

2024-11-18 01:51:39    来源:证券之星   阅读量:7920   

南方财经全媒体记者李振 杨雨莱 广州报道

"Integrating Hong Kong's computing network into that of the GBA and eventually the China Computing NET is the trend of the future. It'll play a significant role in the economic development of both the Greater Bay Area and the whole country."

Guo Song, the Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and the Member of Academia Europaea (MAE), described the future development of computing networks in the GBA to SFC journalist during the forum.

With open science as a driver for high-quality development, the 2024 Greater Bay Area Science Forum, was held collaboratively in the three regions of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao from November 12th to 19th.

He considered there are two challenges existing for the development ofLarge language models . The first challenge is to create the application scenarios. He pointed out that the effects of LLMs are only visible in a few specific areas, but there are still countless scenarios in different industries waiting to be developed. This requires opportunities for collaboration between schools and enterprises.

The second challenge is computing power. Facing enormous demand from a large number of users, he stressed that "we are actively trying to integrate these domestic computing power into our computing platforms in order to empower countless industries and meet the growing demand for LLMs applications."



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